Olen jättänyt eilen useita muutosehdotuksia ENVI-valiokunnan lausuntoon ulkoasiainvaliokunnan mietinnöstä, joka käsittelee ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutusta ihmisoikeuksiin.
Muutosesityksissäni korostan, että hyvä ja terve elinympäristö sekä elinkelpoinen maapallo ovat myös ihmisoikeuksia, joita täytyy edistää hyvällä ilmastopolitiikalla ja päästöjä vähentämällä. Lisäykset toisivat tekstiin näkyväksi ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutukset naisten oikeuksiin, ilmastopakolaisuuden sekä kehittyneiden ja kehittyvien maiden epätasapainon päästöjen tuottamisessa ja tähän liittyvän hiilibudjetoinnin.
Muutosehdotuksissani mainitaan myös hallitusten vastuuttoman ilmastopolitiikan mahdollinen tulkitseminen rikoksena ihmisyyttä vastaan ja ympäristötuhona (ecocide).
Muutosehdotukset ovat kokonaisuudessaan nähtävissä alla:
Draft opinion | Amendment |
A a. whereas every human being has a right to good status of the environment, healthy habitats and a liveable planet; whereas this climate justice means that we have to adapt our CO2 emissions and climate policies so that we can secure these rights to all existing and future generations; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
A b. whereas climate change occurs globally, but has a greater impact on the countries and communities least responsible for global warming; whereas the impacts are greater on those populations most reliant on natural resources for their livelihoods and/or which have the least capacity to respond to natural hazards, such as droughts, landslides, floods and hurricanes; whereas those with fewer financial resources to adapt will be hardest hit and suffer the impacts of climate change the most; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
A c. whereas the impacts of climate change are experienced differently by women and men; whereas women are under-represented in environment and climate change decision-making institutions; whereas there are gender differences in the effects of climate change as well as in adaptation and mitigation strategies; whereas women are more vulnerable and face higher risks and burdens for various reasons, ranging from unequal access to resources, education, job opportunities and land rights, to social and cultural norms and roles and their diverse intersectional experiences; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
B a. whereas citizens of industrialised countries can emit over hundred times more CO2 emissions compared to the citizens of the least developed countries; this requires carbon budgeting to secure a just division of the remaining carbon budget; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
B b. whereas the irresponsible climate policies by some governments could be interpreted to be an ecocide and a crime against humanity; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
1 a. Calls on the Commission to introduce and apply carbon budgeting tool in its policies; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
2 a. Stresses EUs role in helping human and environment rights defenders, and the role of EU representations in third countries; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
2 b. Believes that EU should recognize climate refugee status and provide asylum to climate refugees and human and environment rights defenders; |
Draft opinion | Amendment |
2 c. Calls for the Commission to support the development of local networks in cooperation with local or global NGOs, in order to help those in immediate danger, and to receive information about the situation on the ground; |
Sirpa Pietikäinen
Tutustu Sirpaan