Päättyneellä täysistuntoviikolla keskityttiin edelleen komissaarikuulemisiin. Äänestys uudesta komissiosta piti käydä alunperin ensi viikon tiistaina, mutta bulgarian komissaariehdokkaan Rumiana Jelevan päätös vetäytyä ehdokkuudesta lykkäsi äänestystä edelleen. Todennäköisimmin uudesta komissiosta äänestetään helmikuun täysistunnossa.
Talousvaliokunnan työ ja siellä nyt käsittelyssä olevan vaihtoehtoisten sijoitusrahastojen hoitajia koskevan direktiiviehdotus määrittivät pitkälti kuluneen viikon tahdin: direktiiviin esitettävien muutosesitysten määräaika oli torstai-aamu. Laadin itse direktiiviin kasan muutoksia – mietinnönlaatija, kollegani Gauzès arveli tiistaina tavatessamme että muutosesitysten kokonaismäärä noussee satoihin. Direktiiviä käsitellään valiokunnassa tämä kevät.
Keskiviikkona täysistunto keskusteli Kööpenhaminan ilmastokokouksesta. Pidin täysistunnossa puheenvuoron, jossa painotin YK:n roolia neuvottelufoorumina ja tarvetta uudistaa ja muuttaa perinpohjaisesti itse neuvotteluprosessia. EU:n rooli ja EU:n uuden ulkopolitiikan tärkein tehtävä tulee olla kansainvälisen ilmastoneuvotteluprosessin välittäjän ja eteenpäin viejän. Täysistuntopuheeni alla:
There is no denying of the urgent need to reshape the negotiation process per se. The current and usual UN practice of countless negotiation rounds at the lowest diplomatic level preceding the couple of days’ long high-level negotiations has proven its inoperability and ineffectiveness. This process needs to be, plainly put, turned around: a conference at the highest, heads of state level preceding work at the lower diplomatic level; first agreeing on the overall principles and targets, followed by writing these commitments into a concrete, legal text.
An example for concrete, workable solution for modelling the draft based on aforementioned conduct could be found from the so-called singe negotiating text -model. This model has been used, inter alia, to construct peace treaties in the Middle East. Using this technique, the parties to the original draft agreement intended to be the foundation for a final ratified agreement – often called the ”placeholder agreement” – subtract and refine the text up to the point where it is acceptable to all parties.
Necessitating active shuttle diplomacy, this technique requires a party actively mediating between different parties. This should be the main priority and task for the EU, and its new foreign policy after the Lisbon Treaty. The negotiation team for shuttling between the parties of COP16 and forming the consensus to be agreed in Mexico should consist of the president of the Commission, the new high representative and especially the new Climate Commissioner. Copenhagen showed that the EU needs to substantially increase and concentrate its international climate policy action. Facilitating and leading the negotiation process within the framework of the UN should be the main focus of this policy.
It is obvious that this necessitates that EU holds its own act together, concentrating its efforts first and foremost through the Union, and not through national governments. There needs to be one voice, not 28.
Even though far from adequately addressing the urgency of climate change, the Copenhagen Accords can serve as the basic starting point for reaching a single negotiated climate convention. As a global, legally binding climate deal must be reached in the near future, and by latest in COP16 in Mexico late 2010, this concentrated EU climate diplomacy needs to start immediately. The negotiation results do not come by themselves. The initiative is always taken by someone – or no-one. It is the EU’s responsibility to take the lead.