
Sirpasta sanottua

Yli #220 luonnehdintaa Sirpasta

19.5.2014 Sirpasta sanottua

I have strongly appreciated the work that Sirpa has done, particularly in the context of Globe EU, to provoke a substantial debate on resource efficiency, both within the Parliament and with the most important stakeholder groups. Her experience in this field led me to invite her to become a member of the high level European Resource Efficiency Platform, which will advise the Commission in delivering on the milestones and vision we set out in our roadmap for resource efficiency. I am confident that she will bring good ideas and common sense to the work of the group.                                                                                                                                                                    
Janez Potocnik, ympäristökomissaari

Aito kiinnostus vapaaehtoisen vesiensuojelutyön merkityksestä Suomessa.                                                                                                                                                                          Pekka Koskinen, partner, Talent Vectia

Sirpa’s work has opened a new channel increasing the communication between business and politics.                                                                                                                                                                                  Gianluca Manca, YK:n ympäristöohjelma

Ms Pietikäinen has proven repeatedly her commitment to science-based environmental policy, with a considerate outlook on social and economic concerns. Her role in the European People’s Party and the European Parliament more generally has therefore been very important over the past few years.                                                                                                                                                                                      Stephen Boucher, Programme Director EU Climate Policies

Sirpa is one of the most caring MEP I know ! Whenever I talk to her, she is thinking about her voters back in Finland and how the Brussels’ decisions will impact their lifes. I have a lot of respect for her as a politician and a person.                                                                                                                                                                                 Judith Hardt, Director General, Federation of European Securities Exchanges AISBL

I have met Sirpa in a number of occasions to exchange on sustainable investment and the role of the financial industry in the context of the transition to a more sustainable economy. In my eyes, Sirpa embodies a generation of politicians who is very driven and engaged in trying to build a more sustainable Europe, understanding the big picture challenges while being pragmatic, solution-oriented and willing to deal with the details of how to make things workable and actionable from a regulatory standpoint.                                                                                                                                                                                     François Passant, Eurosif

Olen pitänyt Sirpaa Suomen parhaana ”vihreänä” jo hänen ympäristöministerin ajoilta saakka; perusteluna natura-alueiden aikaansaanti.                                                                                                                                                                                  Heikki Karjalainen, Helsinki

Sirpa Pietikäinen on aidosti luonnosta ja ihmisistä kiinnostunut ekonomi, joka pitää mielenkiintoisia ja asiapitoisia esityksiä.                                                                                                                                                         Heli Jutila, ympäristöasiantuntija, Hämeenlinna

Europarlamentaarikko, joka on ympäristöasioissa ihailtavan aktiivinen ja kunnianhimoinen.                                                                                                                                                                                                        Leo Stranius, ympäristöasiantuntija

Sirpa Pietikäinen

Sirpa Pietikäinen
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